About Wolf’s Botanical Wedding Island

In 2007, the initial vision for an irrigation pond at our tree nursery blossomed into something far more enchanting. As we dug the island, we harboured dreams of creating a haven for nesting geese, complete with round bales of straw for their comfort. However, nature threw us a curveball in the form of hawks disrupting our avian aspirations in the first year. Undeterred, we found ourselves with a beautiful island and an unresolved question: What next?
Enter our son's brilliant idea, a stroke of inspiration that would transform the island into a venue of love and celebration. "I will get married on this island," he declared, sparking the inception of a truly unique concept. With a newfound purpose, we set about transforming the landscape, planting trees and grass to breathe life into this picturesque setting. The bridge, a symbolic connection between two worlds, took form in 2009, laying the foundation for what would become a captivating outdoor wedding venue.
By 2012, the island was ready to host its first wedding – a momentous occasion that marked the beginning of a beautiful tradition. From 2013 onwards, our island has become a sought-after outdoor wedding venue that charms couples and guests alike. The wedding season spans from mid-June to the end of September, capitalizing on the
beauty of the changing seasons as a backdrop for the celebration of love.

What started as a practical need for irrigation has transformed into a labour of love, creating not just a watering hole for trees but a thriving ecosystem of joy and romance. The island has become a canvas for dreams where nature and celebration coexist harmoniously. Each wedding is a testament to the resilience of love and the power of turning challenges into opportunities.